Brazil Segmentation

Brazil Segmentation is a set of complementary products that provide a more assertive view of your clients and the Brazilian population.

Economic Class

In order to comprehend your clients’ and prospects’ needs and priorities, get to know their families’ purchase power.

  • Measure the economic potential of clients’ and prospects’ families;
  • Enhance your clients’ and prospects’ database;
  • Calculate the market share segmented by economic classes;
  • Improve credit and billing decisions;
  • Optimize the use of channels and media

Traditionally, companies already use segmentation according to economic class to stratify the market. This strategy intends to define clear targets in the company’s planning and positioning. Oficina de Valor provides this information about each person in your database, making it possible to also calculate the market penetration by economic class.

The Economic Class product attributed the classification A, B1, B2, C1, C2, D/E for clients and prospects. This information can be applied to optimize the use of different channels and medias, allowing you to effectively reach different audiences.



Entre em contato

+55 (11) 3262-2504

Avenida Angélica, 2529, 2º andar 01227-200 São Paulo/SP