Continuous effort engaging customers and retailers




Working out large amounts of personal, behavioral and transactional data has already been part of the challenges faced by credit card companies for many years. In this sense – dealing with data – is not a project – but a recurrent need.

To optimize its use, the data mass was structured in such a way as to constitute an organized ecosystem that feeds analytical visions for following up and understanding clients from different perspectives.

Data structuring was the first step in the generation of assertive actions and the development of a new business intelligence. The internal bases were worked out, predictive models developed and implemented. Each customer was identified with specific targets and strategies. The customer’s various points of contact were expanded in order to strengthen customer engagement. The company implemented marketing actions of its own and in partnership with retail, which led to increased use of the card, either in the frequency of purchases or in the diversification of branches of activity. Continuous services created an environment where the employees’ informational competence increased and, consequently, the achieved results as well, impacting the short, medium and long-term outcomes.

Every month more than 100 marketing and communication actions are carried out in partnership with the retailers and the results are monitored through control groups and online reports.

Innovative projects have become part of everyday life, such as the launch of the “invoice transpromos”, which offers the possibility of personalizing each client’s statement considering their transactional and behavioral data. This process optimized the use of the invoice as a communication element, either physically or digitally.

Knowing and acknowledging the customer, their needs and their desires is the best way for companies to grow in a sustainable and profitable way – this vision guides the evolution of this work and strengthens the corporate culture that uses information as an element for creativity, innovation and execution intelligence.

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+55 (11) 3262-2504

Avenida Angélica, 2529, 2º andar 01227-200 São Paulo/SP